Saturday, June 15, 2024

PP693 Challenge Winners

Hello everyone - Joanne here! Thank you all for playing along with my colour challenge this week - you all created such pretty cards with my chosen colour combo. Before we get to my choice for Headliner, let's see what caught the eye of the Design Team this week:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
And now for my Headliner:

Claire's trio of toys were beautifully coloured and grounded by the co-ordinating striped rug. The addition of the peachy-orange as her fourth colour gives the animals a lovely warmth - I just love this fresh, bright nursery scene, so perfect to welcome a new baby. Congratulations, Claire, on being my Headliner this week!

Again, thank you to everyone for playing along with us.  Congratulations to all our winners! Please be sure to pick up your badges here. We hope you will display them proudly.  Come back tomorrow for a fun Clean-and-Simple (CAS) Challenge from LeAnne! 


  1. Chuffed to bits to be headliner thank you Joanne! Congrats to many beautiful cards!

  2. thank you so much for picking my card!!


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