Sunday, March 18, 2018

PP385 - A Clean-and-Simple Challenge from Nance

Hi friends of The Paper Players!  Thank you so much for playing along with Joanne's pink-a-licious challenge last week--so many beautiful entries.  Nance here, with this week's Clean and Simple Challenge..."Rainbow".  Just make a Clean-and-Simple project featuring a rainbow, rainbow element, or rainbow colors.  We can't wait to see what you come up with--just remember to keep it Clean-and-Simple!
Challenge Rules:
  1. Create a NEW paper-craft project specifically for this challenge.
  2. Upload your creation to your blog with a link back to us.
  3. Please provide a direct link to the post featuring your challenge entry.
  4. Please link your card to no more than four challenges, TOTAL. Entries linked to more than 4 challenges, including ours, will be deleted without notification.
  5. Have fun!

(Linkup closed)


  1. Such a fun challenge theme and fabulous inspiration from the team, thank you x

  2. I live and breathe rainbows, LOL, love your inspiration.

  3. Love rainbows! Beautiful DT cards.

  4. This was fun because it challenged me to find among my stamps one that I could make a rainbow with. Thanks a bunch!

  5. I noticed that my project has been deleted from this challenge. Question for future...I am a DT member for a challenge and I had four challenges I submitted my project to. Does this mean that my DT member project is countable toward challenges entered.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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