Sunday, August 31, 2014

Paper Players #211: A Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge from Nance

So who wants to play Tic-Tac-Toe?!  I do, I do!  Nance here, as your hostess for the ever-popular Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge.  Choose any three items across, down or diagonal to make your project.  Should be easy, right?  Well, let's see how the Design Team did with our Challenge board:
off this week

Challenge Rules:
  1. Create a NEW paper, or digital, project.
  2. Upload your creation to your blog with a link back to us.
  3. Please provide a direct link to the post featuring your challenge entry.
  4. Please link your card to no more than three challenges, TOTAL. Entries linked to more than 3 challenges, including ours, will be deleted without notification.
  5. Have fun!
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  1. OMG! You are all so talented. Love your cards! Can't wait to play! :)

  2. Ooops, my apologies, didn't spot the 3 challenge total until after I uploaded my card. I would happily delete it myself but you have no delete button. Sorry


  3. Hi team, please accept my apologies for linking an entry that had more than 3 challenges total. I usually pay very close attention to this and am embarrassed that I didn't this time. I love tic tac toe, so will try to be back with a qualifying entry. Awesome DT creations. Thanks for the inspiration.


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