
Friday, July 5, 2024

The Paper Players Team Welcomes 3 New Design Team Members!

Well this year is flying by - we are 6 months in already! As we head into the latter part of 2024, we are delighted to announce that we are expanding here at The Paper Players and from Sunday will be welcoming 3 new members to our permanent design team. Each of them has guested with us previously and regularly plays along with our challenges and we are thrilled that we will be able to showcase their talents on a more permanent basis.

I'm sure you are also looking forward to welcoming them with our first challenge of the month of July; in the meantime, if you haven't met them before here's a little bit about each of them in their own words:

Jan Clothier
Hello everyone,

I'm Jan and I live in the North Island of New Zealand with my husband of 40+ years. My three fabulous children have all flown the nest but I'm fortunate to spend a lot of time with them and even more fortunate to have joined the Grandparents' Club recently.

I'm retired from my life as Teacher-Librarian but things are busier than ever and I often can't work out how I fitted in a full-time job! There's still never enough time in the day for all the crafting and stamping I want to do!

I've been a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for around 9 years and enjoy running classes to share the joys of stamping with others. My Stampin' Up! highlight was being on the Stampin' Up! Artisan Design team in 2020: what an amazing experience that was. 

I am so delighted to be joining The Paper Players as a Designer as this challenge has always been one of my favourites. It was actually the first challenge I was ever brave enough to enter way back in 2015 and the first where I got a mention, so it's extra special to me.

I’m looking forward to seeing the wonderful creations that will grace the gallery in the upcoming challenges and being able to participate in the challenge from the other side!

Stef Perry

Hi all!  I'm Stef, living in Idaho with my husband, with family here and in Oregon, where my daughter and three adult grandchildren and one great granddaughter live. 

I started my crafty journey in 2007 after attending my first Stampin' Up party and never looked back! I don't have a defined style of card making, but tend to lean more toward clean designs with layers, although I do love to dabble in Mixed Media at times. I love learning new techniques and different ways to use things.

After spending a year as guest designer with The Paper Players in 2020, I'm beyond thrilled to become a permanent member of this amazing team, along with Jan and Elizabeth! I look forward to seeing all your beautiful designs in the gallery each week!

Elizabeth Stewart
Paper Sweetness

Hi, I am ElizStewart online and Elizabeth to all my friends and family! I am thrilled to be joining Paper Players as a permanent DT member along with Jan and Stef.  I spent an amazing year with the Paper Player ladies in 2018; the challenge has always been one of my absolute favorites.

I have been making cards for over 30 years. My card making addiction started with a visit to the design studios of Hallmark.  I was mesmerized.  Over time my passion and crafting space has just continued to grow. 

My cards tend to swing toward clean and simple but I have found since I started joining challenges that I am experimenting more with other styles.  There are just so many amazing cardmakers offering inspiration in our crafty world.

I hope my cards spark something in you.  I so look forward to seeing your creations and hearing from you! I live on the Treasure Coast of Florida with my beloved goldendoodle, Archie.

Welcome to the team ladies - we can't wait to create with you! 


  1. Fabulous additions to the DT! I'm a big fan of each and look forward to their weekly inspiration. Congrats ladies!

  2. Congrats to all! Love this team old and new!

  3. Lovely to see such talented additions to the DT! Congrats and looking forward to some more inspiration!

  4. Congrats to Jan, Stef and Elizabeth! Wonderful additions to this talented design team!


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